外国人说你man child可不是夸你,而是在吐槽你~

外国人说你man child可不是夸你,而是在吐槽你~

2018-06-05    04'47''

主播: 意趣英语

4751 50

微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语 情景对话: Mitch: I don't remember this at all. Claire: Yeah, I skated away and called you a big baby. 今日知识点: 01、孩子气 Child(ish) 可以说childish,也可以直接用child. 例句一: You're mad at him just because he's mad at you. Will you two stop being so childish? 你生他气就是因为他生了你的气。你们两个能不能别这么孩子气? 例句二: Talking to you is like talking to a child. You won't take anything seriously. 和你聊天就像和小孩子聊天一样。什么事情你都不当真。 02 小孩 Kid 例句一: A: I don't want to go to the meeting. 我不想去开会。 B: Don't be a kid. Let's just get this over with. 别像个孩子一样。快点开完就好了。 例句二: I hate dealing with Eva. It's like dealing with a kid. 我不喜欢和Eva打交道。好像和小孩子打交道一样。 03 幼稚的成年人 Man child 例句一: My ex is nothing, but a man child. If he doesn't have his way, he throws a tantrum. 我前男友像个小孩子一样。不按他的方式办事,他就会发脾气。 例句二: There's no way I'm inviting Ethan to the party. That man child will just embarrass me with his immature jokes. 我不会邀请Ethan参加聚会。他像个小孩子一样总是开一些不成熟的玩笑,让我很尴尬。 04 改掉孩子气,变得成熟 Grow up 通过这个表达,可以间接形容一个人不成熟,太幼稚。 例句一: All you do is take selfies of yourself all day. You need to grow up. 你整天都在自拍。你得成熟一点。 例句二: Billy complains every time he's given an assignment. He has a lot of growing up to do. Billy每次接到任务都要发牢骚。他得学着成熟一点了。 05 成熟一点 Act your age 例句一: You can't stay out all night and party. You're not a 20 something college kid. Act your age. 你不能在外面整夜聚会。你不是20几岁的大学生了。成熟一点。 例句二: Why does Kendra cry at every little thing that goes wrong? She should act her age. 为什么连一点小事出错Kendra也要哭?她应该学着成熟一点。 微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语