Pick up a girl不是“捡个女孩”的意思哦~

Pick up a girl不是“捡个女孩”的意思哦~

2018-06-19    04'55''

主播: 意趣英语

9474 84

收看更多有趣内容,请关注: 微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语 Pick up的常用表达: 1、买东西 Hector's picking up lunch for everyone. Make sure you tell him what you want. Hector在给大家买午餐。记得要告诉他你们想要的东西。 Shoot! I forgot the salad dressing. I'll need to go back and pick up a bottle. 哎呀!我忘记买沙拉调料了。我得回去买一瓶。 *句中的 shoot 就是脏话 shit 的文明版说法。 *salad dressing = 沙拉调料 2、接电话 Are you going to pick up the phone? It's ringing. 你要去接电话吗?电话响了。 Carey won't pick up or return my texts. I don't know what she's doing. Carey不会接我电话,也不会回复我信息。我不知道她现在在做什么。 3、接某人 I'm on my way to the airport. I got to pick up Jeremy. He's back from Scotland today. 我正在去机场的路上。我得去接Jeremy。他今天从苏格兰回来。 Thanks, but I already have a ride. My friend's picking me up. She should be here soon. 谢谢,不过已经有人来接我了。我朋友正开车过来接我。她应该很快就到了。 4、继续 Shall we pick up where we left off last time? 我们从上次结束的地方继续怎么样? *where we left off 上次结束的地方 We ran out of time today so the professor will pick up the lecture on Friday. 今天我们时间不够了,所以教授会在周五继续讲今天的课程。 5、 搭讪,跟陌生异性调情 Come on, I need you to help me distract her friend while I try to pick her up. 快来,我需要你帮我引开她朋友,我去跟她搭讪。 He picked up a girl from a bar. 他在一个酒吧里搭上了一个女孩。 微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语