One quick thing可不是“一件急事”的意思~

One quick thing可不是“一件急事”的意思~

2018-06-20    03'43''

主播: 意趣英语

9547 83

微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语 情景对话: Salesman: One quick thing, if you really want to do something special for your daughter, what do you say we throw in some upgraded wheels? 一个小建议,如果你真的想为你的女儿做点什么特别的事,把车轮升级一下怎么样? 知识点讲解: One quick thing 有一件小事;提醒你一下 例句一: One quick thing, make sure to save the file as a PDF. We can only upload that format onto the site. 提醒你一下,记得要把文档保存成PDF的格式。我们只能上传PDF的文件到网站上去。 例句二: Right, one quick thing. If Debbie comes in looking for me, just tell her I'm not here. 对了,有一件小事,要是Debbie进来找我,你就告诉她我不在这。 What do you say… … 怎么样? 例句一: I remember you said you wanted to go somewhere warm. What do you say we go to Bali? 我记得你说过你想去温暖的地方。你觉得去巴厘岛怎么样? 例句二: The landlord's gonna increase the rent. What do you say we find a cheaper place? 房主打算涨租了。你觉得我们换个便宜点的房子住怎么样? Throw in… 加…,送… 例句一: Tell you what. If you give me a $100 for the monitor, I'll also throw in some HDMI cables. 我跟你讲,如果你花100美元买这个显示器,我就送你几根高清数据线。 例句二: I got a gym membership today. The guy threw in 3 extra months so I took it. It was a good deal. 我今天办了个健身房的会员。那人多赠了我三个月的会员所以我就办了。这挺划算的。 How much do you spend a day on a cup of coffee? 你一天买咖啡要花多少钱? 微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语