英文『去兜风』可不是go wind,哟~

英文『去兜风』可不是go wind,哟~

2018-06-27    06'35''

主播: 意趣英语

10932 89

微信 yiquenglish 意趣英语 微博 @意趣英语 情景对话: Phil: It was supposed to be such a great moment for me as a dad. I was gonna walk into that bar, give my daughter her new car keys, and say, "honey chug that drink. We're going for a spin." Jay: Phil, put these in your purse. I just beat your unbeatable deal by 500 samolians. Stick that in your Internet. 知识点: Chug 一口气喝完 【例句一】 We need to leave. Can you hurry up and chug your drink so we can get out of here? 我们得走了。你能不能快点把那杯酒干了然后我们离开这儿? 【例句二】 Did you chug that entire bottle of milk? Make sure you don't throw up. 你把那一瓶牛奶一口气都喝了?你可别吐出来啊。 Go for a spin 去兜风 【例句一】 There's nothing to do at home. Come on, let's go for a spin and find something to do. 在家里没事做。来,咱们去外面兜兜风找点事做。 【例句二】 It's a nice day today. Do you want to take the bikes out for a spin? 今天天气真不错。你想骑自行车出去兜一圈么? 对话: Tony: This guy's a bulldog. He wore me down. Jay: Don't be too hard on yourself. You never stood a chance. Phil: Wow. Thank you, Jay. 知识点: Wear someone down 慢慢让某人屈服 【例句一】 Rita was always asking me to move in with her. Well she finally wore me down. I'm moving in with her next week. Rita总是让我搬过去和她一起住。她最后终于把我说服了。我下周就要搬到她那去了。 【例句二】 After hours of her constantly asking, I had to tell her the secret. I'm sorry, but she wore me down. 在她几个小时的连环追问下,我不得不把秘密告诉她。真抱歉,她让我不得不说了。 Don't be too hard on yourself. 别太责怪自己 【例句一】 A: I almost failed the midterm. 别太责怪自己。班里没人考得好。 B: Don't be too hard on yourself. No one in the class did well. 我期中考试差点就挂了。 【例句二】 A: I think I let everyone down. 别太责怪自己。你已经尽力了。 B: Don't be too hard on yourself. You tried your best. 我觉得我让大家失望了。 You never stood a chance. 不是我的对手/你是没有机会赢我的 【例句】 A: Wow! Andrew destroyed me. 你不是他的对手。他是专业玩家的。 B: You never stood a chance. He plays professionally. 哇哦!Andrew把我打败了。 destroyed 打败 【例句】 Jesus, you're fast. I guess I never stood a chance in the race. 我的天你太快了。这场比赛我根本没机会赢你。 微信 yiquenglish 意趣英语 微博 @意趣英语