一说『感谢』就只会thank you?太没诚意了!

一说『感谢』就只会thank you?太没诚意了!

2018-07-31    11'45''

主播: 意趣英语

8589 52

情景对话: Walter: You are a life saver. Yeah, man. We can't thank you enough. Jesse: Hey, mad props. 知识点讲解: 1、先说句“非常感谢” ① Thank you so much. 太谢谢了啊。 ② I can't thank you enough. 简直不知怎么感谢你啊。 ③ Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 我从心底里感激你啊。 ④ Thanks a million. 感谢你一百万遍。 2、再说一下具体“为什么感谢” ① Thank you so much for watching my dogs while I was away. 太感谢你在我离开的时候帮我看狗狗了。 ② Thanks a million for helping me finish this project on time. 万分感谢你帮我按时完成了项目。 ③ I can't thank you enough for what you did the other day. 特别特别感谢你那天为我做的事情。 ④ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me. 我从心底里感激你对我的帮助和支持。 3、添加一句“赞美对方的人品”的话 ① life saver 救星 Thank you so much for lending me your car. You're a life saver. 太谢谢你借给我车了,你就是我的救星啊! ② One's hero 某人的英雄 You have my deepest gratitude for helping me study. You're my hero. 非常感谢你帮助我学习,你就是我的英雄。 ③ Awesome 太棒了! Thank you so much for bringing me the files. You're awesome. 谢谢你把文件帮我拿来了。你太棒了! ④ You're the best. 你就是最棒的。 Thank you very much for getting me that ticket. You're the best. 太感谢你帮我买到那张票了。你就是最棒的! 4、再加一句“表达感激”的话 ① I can always rely on you. 你总是这么可靠。 ② I appreciate this so much. 太感谢了。 ③ Words can't express how grateful I am. 语言都无法描述我有多么感激你。 ④ You don't know what this means to me. 你不知道这对我来说意味着什么。 ⑤ I don't know how I'll ever repay you. 我简直不知道该怎么报答你呀。