

2018-08-27    03'45''

主播: 意趣英语

8829 50

vx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语 情景对话: - Who is he to you? Why is he calling? …… - Don&`&t you think you owe me that? 知识点笔记: Who&`&s this Jesse Pinkman to you? Jesse Pinkman跟你到底什么关系? Who is he to you? 他跟你什么关系? 【例句一】 Who is this Sandra girl and why is she calling you in the middle of the night? Who is she to you? Sandra这个女孩是谁,为什么她半夜给你打电话?她跟你什么关系? 【例句二】 Why are you going out of your way to help this guy you barely know? Who is he to you? 为什么你要费这么大力帮这个你都不认识的男人?他跟你什么关系? Don&`&t you think you owe me that? 你难道不欠我(一个解释、帮忙…)吗? 【例句一】 I&`&ve done so many favors for Lyle. He should help me this one time. Don&`&t you think you he owes me that? 我帮了Lyle那么多次,他这次就应该帮我。你不觉得他欠我吗? 【例句二】 I&`&ve been with this company for 10 years and I haven&`&t gotten a promotion yet. Don&`&t you think they owe me that? 我在这家公司待了10年了,从没有被提拔,你不觉得他们欠我吗? · owe /əʊ/ 欠 · own /əʊn/ 拥有 vx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语