

2018-09-07    05'15''

主播: 意趣英语

9101 63

情景对话: Does he really live up there? I took basic astronomy and there was no mention of life, or children, on any other planets. Unless it's true that he came from a star, but that seems improbable. 知识点讲解: There was no mention of… 没提到过… 【例句一】 What are you talking about? There was no mention of a due date during the meeting. 你在说什么呀?会议上没提到过截止日期呀。 【例句二】 Why did everyone bring a gift? There was no mention of it. Now what am I supposed to do? 为什么每个人都带了礼物?从来没有人跟我说过呀。现在我该怎么办啊? 小女孩说“不可能”用了这个词: Improbable 不太可能 相比小女孩说的这句话: But that seems improbable. 但是那不太可能吧。 我们口语中更常说: But that's unlikely. 但是那不太可能吧。 【例句一】 Willy said he'll be here in 10 minutes, but that's unlikely. He's never on time. Willy说他10分钟就到,但是不太可能。他从来不准时。 【例句二】 The worst they'll do is suspend you, but that's unlikely since they're shorthanded. 最坏的情况是他们会让你停职,但是不太可能,因为他们正缺人手。 继续剧情: Not a star. An asteroid. Asteroid B-612. 不是恒星,是一颗小行星。小行星B-612。 【天文词汇】小科普: · Asteroid [ˈæstəˌrɔɪd] 小行星 · Planet 行星 · Star 恒星 · Meteor 流星 · Comet 彗星 · Galaxy 星系 · Universe 宇宙 · The cosmos 宇宙 · Star sign [stɑr saɪn] 星座(常用) · Zodiac [ˈzoʊdiæk] 星座 · Horoscope [ˈhɔ:rəskoʊp] 星座运势 · Astrology [əˈstrɑ:lədʒi] 占星术