

2018-09-09    06'12''

主播: 意趣英语

9304 63

wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语 情景对话: But the fact that he wanted a sheep, that pretty much proves that he exists. Don't you think? Hold on, I'll show you another drawing. 知识点笔记: But the fact that… pretty much proves that… 但是…那件事,就证明了… 【例句一】 But the fact that your hiding something pretty much proves that you did something wrong. 你在隐藏什么这件事基本就证明了你做了什么错事。 【例句二】 But the fact that Janet's in town pretty much proves that she likes you. 但是Janet来到这个城市这件事基本就证明了她是喜欢你的。 I never looked at it that way. 我从来没那么看过。 【例句一】 A: Don't you think he's hanging around you all the time because he wants something? 你不觉得他总是跟你在一起是因为他有所求吗? B: I never looked at it that way. I think he's just lonely. 我从来没那个看过。我觉得他就是孤单吧。 【例句二】 A: She's only paying you $1000 for your work. She's ripping you off. 她只付给你1000美元干这个活,她是在剥削你。 B: I never looked at it that way. I was just helping out a friend and it was nice of her to give me anything. 我从没那么看过。我只是在帮助朋友,她给我什么东西我都觉得很棒了。 继续剧情: Hoarding! That's it, hoarding. I'm a hoarder. A bit of a hoarder. 囤积!是的,囤积。我是个囤积者,算是囤积者。 Hoard 囤积 Hoarder 囤积者 【例句一】 My grandmother's a hoarder. She still has newspapers from the 1950s. 我奶奶是个囤积者,她还留着50年代的报纸呢。 【例句二】 I'm a hoarder when it comes to make-up. 我是个喜欢囤化zhuang品的人。 wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语