和外国人“聊天气”只会sunny, rainy,怪不得人家不理你!

和外国人“聊天气”只会sunny, rainy,怪不得人家不理你!

2018-09-11    09'16''

主播: 意趣英语

9134 63

情景对话: It's going to be a clear night. The stars will be out soon. 今晚天气会很好,d">星星很快就出来了。 知识点笔记: 情景一: d">A: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? 今天天好棒哦,对吧? B: Yes, it's really warm out. 对啊,d">外面好暖和。 情景二: d">A: It's a hot day, isn't it? 今天天真热啊,是吧? B: It really is. 就是呀。 情景三: d">A: It's a cold day, isn't it? 今天天好冷啊,是不? B: Yea, good thing I'm wearing a coat. 是呀,幸亏我穿了一件外衣。 情景四: 我们在和外国人聊天气时, 还有很多简单,但你想不出来的: ① Nice out d">today. d">外面天气真好啊! ② Sure is hot out. d">外面真的很热啊。 ③ You're right. It really is hot. 你说的对,真的挺热。 情景五: d">A: d">How is it out there? d">外面天气如何? B: It's freezing out there. d">外面冷死了。 如果想d">让你的回答更自然, 可以在回答后面再加一句: d">Make sure you wear a coat. 别d">忘了穿大衣哦。 情景六: d">A: What's it like outside? d">外面天气怎样? B: It's a beautiful day. It feels pretty warm. 很棒,感觉挺暖和的。 外国人常用 a beautiful day 来表达天气晴朗、风和日丽。 情景七: 比如天气一直不好,突然变好; 一直有雾霾,终于放晴。 这样的话题就再合适不过了。 ① Finally, we got some d">nice weather. 终于有个好天了。 ② I can't believe it's so d">nice d">today. 简直不敢相信今天天气这么好。 ③ I can't believe how clear the air is d">today. 简直不敢相信今天空气怎么这么好呀。 ④ Finally, we got a clear sky d">today. 今天天气终于晴朗了。(终于没有雾霾了) 情景八: 聊天气时也会经常谈论温度。 d">A: What's the temperature d">today? 今天气温多少度啊? B: I think it's around 20. 我想差不多20度。 ⚠️ 美国人使用华氏度, 和我们常说的摄氏度不同。 如果你d">硬背华氏度验算公式, 可能效果并不好,还会忘。 不如记一下它对应的感觉。 a hundred degrees 华氏100度(表示天特别热) 70 degrees 华氏70度(室温、比较舒适) 60 degrees 华氏60度(比较凉爽cool) 40 degrees 华氏40度(冷) 情景九: 有时我们关注天气的变化, 会经常这样说: I heard it's going to be… 我听说… ① I heard it's going to be hot tomorrow. 我听说明天天气会很热。 ② I heard it's going to be freezing tomorrow. 我听说明天天气会很冷。 ③ I heard it's going to be a hundred degrees tomorrow. 我听说明天天气会非常热。(华氏100度) ④ I heard it's going to be 30 degrees tomorrow. 我听说明天天气会非常热。(摄氏30度) wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语