

2018-10-01    05'21''

主播: 意趣英语

8596 58

请翻译: 那我用信用卡吧。你们会从卡上扣钱吗? ↓ ↓ ↓ 答案 ↓ ↓ ↓ I`ll use my credit card then. Are you charging my card? I`ll use my credit card. 我用信用卡。 I`ll pay cash. 我付现金。 I`ll pay with cash/credit card/debit card. 我付现金/信用卡/银行卡。 Are you charging my card? 你们会从卡上扣钱吗? We will swipe it, but the charge won`t go through and the money will be returned to you in full at check-out. 我们会刷一下卡,但是不会从里扣钱,您退房的时候押金会全部退给您。 We`ll only hold the money while you`re here. 我们只是在您入住期间暂时冻结住这笔钱。 Pre-authorization 预授权 It`s a pre-authorization charge on your card. 这是对您的卡进行一个预授权。 When will the money be returned to me? 钱什么时候会退给我? At check out./After check out. 在退房时/退房后 11 business days after check out. 在退房11个工作日之后。