外国人说 Good for you. 真不是“为了你好”的意思!

外国人说 Good for you. 真不是“为了你好”的意思!

2018-11-08    04'33''

主播: 意趣英语

8181 54

教你有趣又实用的口语表达: yiquenglish 意趣英语 情景对话: - I was hoping to impress her by tracking her down on the Internet and then showing up unannounced at her door. - Making the extra effort. Good for you. 知识点讲解: 1、祝贺别人 比如有人终于找到了工作 或是朋友在比赛中获得好成绩 【例句一】 A: I finally found a job. 我终于找到了工作。 B: Good for you! I'm so happy for you. 太棒了,我真为你高兴。 【例句二】 A: I won first place in the tournament. 我比赛得了第一名。 B: Good for you! What was the prize? 太棒了,你得了什么奖啊? 2、赞许别人的行为 正面积极的赞许 【例句一】 A: I finally left Tara. 我终于离开了Tara。 B: Good for you! She always treated you badly. 做得好,她一直都对你不好。 【例句二】 A: Well, I was able to track down the owner of that lost watch and I returned it. 哦,我终于找到了那块表的失主,把表还给他了。 B: Good for you! Even though you could've gotten a lot for it, you did the right thing. 做得好!虽然你可以把那个表卖很多钱,但是你做的是对的。 3、表示讽刺或不在乎别人的成就 可以表示敷衍,非正面积极的回答 【例句一】 A: It took me over 4 hours, but I finally beat the last level. 花了四个小时,但是我终于打通这一关了。 B: Oh, good for you. 哦,好吧。 继续对话: A: Sarah is getting married, again. Sarah又一次结婚了。 B: Good for her. Is that her third one? 哦,不错哦。这是她第三次结婚了吧? Tip:在使用good for you表达时, 除了语境,你的语气也很重要哟~ 教你有趣又实用的口语表达: yiquenglish 意趣英语