当情侣之间说 I'm done with you 时,就意味着…

当情侣之间说 I'm done with you 时,就意味着…

2018-12-07    04'39''

主播: 意趣英语

9766 63

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 情景对话: Jay: Nice as it is for you to invite me to swim in my own pool, I thought I was paying you to teach Manny Spanish. Gloria: Manny's done with his lesson. But Diego here is also a swim instructor, so he's going to teach Joe to swim. 知识点讲解: I thought I was paying you to… 我以为我花钱是请你… 【例句】 I thought I was paying you to clean my place, not judge my personal life. 我以为我花钱是请你给我打扫房间的,不是评价我私人生活的。 Be done with… …结束了;不做…了 【例句一】 We'll be done with the movie in 20 minutes. I'll call you back when it's over. 电影还有20分钟就结束了,一结束我就打给你。 【例句二】 I'm done with math. It's too hard for me. 我再也不想学数学了,对我来说太难了。 【例句三】 I'm done with you, I don't want to hear your stupid lies anymore. 我跟你结束了,我再也不想听你那些傻乎乎的谎言了。 情景对话: Jay: Must be a good teacher if Joe doesn't have to be here for it. Gloria: Manny's putting him in his swimming diaper. There they are! Let's go swim! Come here. 知识点: Must be… if… 如果…那肯定… 【例句一】 I've never been to that restaurant, but must be expensive if they have a set menu. 我之前没去过那个餐厅,但如果他们有固定的菜单的话,那肯定很贵。 【例句二】 It must be fun if you want go again so badly. 如果你这么想再去的话,那一定很好玩吧! Have to be here for… 一定要来这儿做… 【例句一】 Do I have to be here for your meeting with Jess or can I go and come back later? 你跟Jess开会需要我来吗,还是我先走,你们散会之后我再回来? 【例句二】 You have to be here for the party, without you it's gonna be so boring. 开派对的时候你一定要在,你要是不在的话肯定会特别无聊。 更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语