外国人跟你说 I like the music 时,可能并不是想跟你“聊音乐”~

外国人跟你说 I like the music 时,可能并不是想跟你“聊音乐”~

2018-12-18    08'09''

主播: 意趣英语

8321 57

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 情景对话: A: There are so many people here! B: I know, right? But that's just like Stella, she's always been a socialite. A: There's no doubt about that! So, how did you get to know Stella? B: We've been coworkers for the last few years, but I first met her at an after-work function for our company. 知识点讲解: 寻找共同点:所处的环境 There are so many people here! 这好多人啊。 I like the music. 我喜欢这个音乐。 Food here's awesome. 这个食物真棒。 Have you tried the chips? 你试过那些薯片吗? Is that drink good? 你这杯酒好喝吗? 回答:提起主人 I know, right? But that's just like Stella, she's always been a socialite. 真的,我也觉得。不过Stella就是这样,一直都是个社交达人。 That's just like someone. 某人就是这样。 Socialite 社交达人 She's always been a socialite. 一直都是个社交达人。 寻找共同点:共同认识的人 There's no doubt about that! So, how did you get to know Stella? 无可置疑的。那你是怎么认识Stella 的? How did you get to know…? 你是怎么认识某人的? 回答:过去是同事 We've been coworkers for the last few years, but I first met her at an after-work function for our company. 过去那几年我们是同事,不过我跟她是在我们公司下班后的活动中认识的。 Coworker 同事 Colleague 同事 A good friend of mine from work 工作上的好朋友 For the last few years 过去的几年来 We've been friends for the last few years. 过去几年我们一直是好朋友。 We've been playing basketball for the last few years. 过去几年我们一直在一起打篮球。 第一次在某地遇到某人: I first met…at… I first met him at a party. 我第一次见到他是在一个派对上。 I first met Steve at a dinner. 我第一次认识Steve是在一个晚餐上。 更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语