

2018-12-20    08'10''

主播: 意趣英语

8368 58

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 情景对话: B: And are you checking in any luggage for your flight? A: Yeah, I have one. B: And that one? A: Oh, this is my carry-on. B: Ok, go ahead and put it on the scale for me please. A: What's the weight limit? B: 50 pounds per luggage. You're allowed to check in two pieces. A: Ok, looks like I'm under. 知识点讲解: · check in 托运 · check in luggage 托运行李 I have 2 bags to check in. 我有两件行李要托运。 I need to check in 2 suitcases. 我有两件行李要托运。 Luggage/baggage 行李(不可数) A suitcase 行李箱(可数) A bag 包/行李(可数) A carry-on 随身行李(可数) Yes, I have one. 是的,我有一个。 No, I don't have any. 没有,我没有托运行李。 carry-on 随身行李,登机行李 go ahead and do something 就去做(某事)吧 Go ahead and help yourself. 就随便吃吧。 Go ahead and take it. 就拿走吧。 我们甚至可以直接说: Go ahead. Scale [skel] 秤 Bathroom scale 体重秤 50 pounds per bag. 每件行李50磅。 23kg per bag. 每件行李23公斤。 更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语