

2018-12-31    02'22''

主播: 意趣英语

8918 61

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 如何生动描述一段场景: 2、How it started 事情的起因 John and I were just talking and then all of a sudden he got bumped into by some guy. 我和Jon正在说话,然后突然他被个人撞到了。 ① John and I were just talking. John和我正在说话。 *口语中,经常使用过去进行时 来描述事情发生当时的场景。 ② bump into (不小心,不是故意地)撞到 *Knock也有“撞”的意思,但是 Bump into多了一层“不小心”含义 【例句】 A girl bumped into me on the street, and she didn't even say sorry. 一个女生在街上撞到了我,她都没说抱歉。 更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语