你知道 Social butterfly 社交蝴蝶 到底是什么人吗?

你知道 Social butterfly 社交蝴蝶 到底是什么人吗?

2019-03-26    05'39''

主播: 意趣英语

2463 15

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 I have a friend who knows everyone in town. Wherever we go, everyone knows him and he’s always networking. 我有个朋友认识城里的所有人。我们不管去哪大家都认识他,而且他总是在交际。 Network 扩展人际关系,交际 Ever since I started my own company, I’ve been networking like crazy. 自从我创立了自己的公司,我就开始疯狂的扩展人际关系。 You want to go the this event with me? It’ll give you an opportunity to network. 你想跟我去这个活动吗?会让你有机会扩展人际关系。 Social butterfly? I’ve never heard that term before. 社交蝴蝶?我从没听过这个词。 Social butterfly 社交蝴蝶 Lisa knows so many people and everyone likes her. She’s such a social butterfly. Lisa认识很多人,大家都喜欢她。她可真是个社交蝴蝶。 I see her around town everywhere. She’s a real social butterfly. 我到处都能看见她,她可真是个社交蝴蝶。 It’s a pretty common saying. We use it to describe people who are very social. 这是个挺常见的说法。我们用来形容那些很擅于交际的人。 Social 喜欢社交,会社交 My roommate's not very social. He just stays in his room and plays video games. 我的室友不是很擅于社交。他只待在房间里玩游戏。 Try to be more social. Go out and meet some people. 试着多社交一下。出去见见人。 Gregarious /grɪ'gɛrɪəs/ 喜好交际 I was more greagarious when I was younger. Now, I just like to stay home on the weekends. 我年轻的时候更喜欢交际。现在我周末只想待在家里。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语