

2019-04-19    05'04''

主播: 意趣英语

3791 24

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 ① In terms of something 就某方面而言 In terms of the business, we think we should sell it. 从做生意的角度看,我觉得我们应该把它卖掉。 ② In the long/short term 长期/短期来看 In the long term you benifit from this. 从长远的角度来看,你是会从中受益的。 Layoffs would lead to profits in the long term. 长远来看,裁员会提高利润。 ③ Come to terms with something 达成了共识 I came to term with my boss about my raise. 我跟我的老板关于我加薪的问题达成了共识。 He has come to terms with the lost of his wife. 他接受了他妻子去世的事实。 ④ On good terms 与某人是友好的关系 Me and my ex-wife are on good terms. We're getting dinner tomorrow as friends. 我和我前妻还是很友好的。我们明天以朋友的身份出去吃饭。 ⑤ Not on Speaking term 和某人冷战、不说话 I'm not on speaking term with Mario, because he still owes me money. 我在和Mario冷战,因为他还欠我钱呢。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语