外国人说你 Going places 原来是在夸你!

外国人说你 Going places 原来是在夸你!

2019-04-26    09'01''

主播: 意趣英语

4286 32

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 ① Be in a good/bad place 情况好/不好 I'm in a bad place. 我现在的情况很不好。 My parents have retired with money and good health, so my family is in a good enough place. 我父母退休了不缺钱,健康也好,所以我家情况还不错。 The news of his wedding put Jane in a bad place. 他结婚的消息让Jane陷入低迷。 ② In the first place 压根、本来 Why are you blaming me for this? It was your idea in the first place! 你为什么指责我?这本来是你的想法! It was your idea in the first place! 这本来是你的想法! I wish I'd never got involved in the first place! 我希望我压根就没有参与进来! ③ Take place 发生、开始 Major changes are taking place in society. 社会中正在发生重大变化。 Their love story took place on a tropical island. 他们的爱情故事发生在一个热带岛屿。 ④ Someone's place 某人住处;某人的社会角色 We're going to Jack's place after the party. Party后我们都去Jack家。 I want to go to your place. 我想去你家。 Japanese restaurant Japanese place 日本餐馆 A: What do you want to eat tonight? 你今晚想吃什么呢? B: I want to go to the Western place we went to last time. 我想去上次我们去的那个西餐厅。 The idea that a woman's place is in the home is very out of date. “女人的角色在家里”这种想法是非常过时的。 ⑤ In someone's place 站在别人的位置/角度/立场上 · be in someone's shoes 站在别人的位置 · see things my way 从我的角度看问题 What would you do in my place? 换做我你会怎样做? 用之前的表达,也可以说: What would you do if you are in my shoes? Try to put yourself in my place and think how you would feel. 试着把你自己放在我的位置上,你什么感觉? ⑥ All over the place 到处都是;乱七八糟 There was blood all over the place. 到处都是血迹。 She came in with her hair all over the place. 她头发乱七八糟地走了进来。 ⑦ Going places 有前途,开始有起色 You're going places. 你以后会有所作为的。 Bill is a young man who is definitely going places. Bill是个有前途的年轻人。 Mark my words, this company is going places with this new product. 记住我的话,这家公司会因为这个新产品火起来。 ⑧ My/your happy place 幻想中的,让人愉快的地方 You guys keep fighting, I'm going to my happy place. 你们继续斗吧,我去愉快幻想里躲躲。 Stop! I don't wanna hear it! I'm going to my happy place. 打住!我不要听!我要去我的快乐世界。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语