

2019-05-16    08'47''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 ① Stuff [stʌf] 某人的物品 Hey, don't touch my stuff! 嘿!别碰我的东西。 This is my stuff. 这是我的东西。 Whose stuff is this? 这是谁的东西? ② Stuff 某种物质 用于当你不确定是某物 是什么物质的时候 This chemical is made from black sticky stuff. 这个化学制剂是由一种又黑又黏的东西做成的。 I think the table is made from wood and stuff. 我觉得这个桌子是用木头和其他一些东西做的。 I bought some drinks and stuff. 我买了一些饮料还有其他的。 I bought some drinks and something. ③ Stuff 用于当你不知道某物是什么的时候 What's that stuff on the coffee table? 咖啡桌上那是什么? What's this stuff made out of? 这东西是用什么做的? ④ Stuff 活动(某件要做的事情) They have a lot of fun stuff we can do. 他们这有好多好玩的活动我们可以玩。 There's basketball, swimming, and some other stuff. 那可以打篮球,游泳,还有一些其他项目。 ⑤ Stuff 特长,特殊技能 Go and do your stuff. 去发挥你的长项吧。 I'm doing my stuff. 我正在做我的事情。 His stuff will get better in the next game. 下场比赛他的技术会变得更好。 ⑥ Stuff (合适的)性格特质 He has the right stuff to be a successful businessman. 他有成为一名成功商人的性格特质。 She has the right stuff to be an astronaut. 她有成为一名宇航员的性格特质。 ⑦ Stuff 非法药物,毒品 Do you have the stuff with you? 你身上有毒品么? What kind of stuff are you on? 你在服用什么毒品? ⑧ Stuff 塞进,挤进 The subway car was stuffed with people. 地铁车厢里挤满了人。 I stuffed all my clothes into one suitcase. 我把我所有的衣服都塞进了一个箱子。 ⑨ Stuff yourself/your face 吃太多/吃撑(吃撑以至于吃不下别的东西) I can't eat anymore. I stuffed myself. 我吃不了更多了,我把我的肚子都塞满了。 He stuffed his face at the buffet. 他猛吃自助餐。 Sara stuffed herself with cake before dinner. Sara在晚餐前就用蛋糕填饱了肚子。 ⑩ Stuff 快速塞进 She saw 5 dollars on the table, took it, and stuffed it into her purse. 她看见桌子上有五美金,她拿起来,迅速的塞进了自己的钱包。 Mike stuffed the gloves into his coat and left in a hurry. Mike迅速的把手套塞进了大衣里,然后匆忙的离开了。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语