

2019-05-31    04'49''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 全球花式咖啡——越南&土耳其篇 It’s like a dessert drink. I tried a really sweet coffee when I visited Vietnam. They have a drink called egg coffee. It’s coffee made with egg yolk, sugar, and condensed milk. 这就像一个甜品饮料。我去越南时喝过一种很甜的咖啡。他们有一种叫蛋咖啡的饮料。就是一种用蛋黄,糖和炼奶做成的咖啡。 It’s like a dessert drink. 它就像一个甜品饮料。 I tried a really sweet coffee when I visited Vietnam. 我去越南时喝过一种很甜的咖啡。 They have a drink called egg coffee. 他们有一种叫蛋咖啡的饮料。 It’s coffee made with egg yolk, sugar, and condensed milk. 就是一种用蛋黄,糖和炼奶做成的咖啡。 Vietmanese egg coffee 越南鸡蛋咖啡 Coffee topped with a creamy egg mixture that tastes like liquid tiramisu. 咖啡上配着一层尝起来像液体提拉米苏的奶油状鸡蛋混合物。 This drink was invented in Vietnam in the 1940s when milk was in short supply. 这种饮料是在20世纪40年代时在越南发明的,当时牛奶供不应求。 Egg yolks, sugar, and condensed milk are whisked until creamy. The mixture is then poured over a hot cup of coffee. 将鸡蛋黄、糖、炼乳打发至奶油状,然后把混合物倒在一杯热咖啡上面。 That sounds delicious. If you ever go to Turkey, try Turkish coffee. They use finely ground coffee beans, which are served in the drink.It’s really dark and strong. 那听起来很好喝。如果你去土耳其的话,试一下土耳其咖啡。他们把研磨得很细的咖啡粉放在饮品里面,颜色很深很浓。 That sounds delicious. 那听起来很好喝。 If you ever go to Turkey, try Turkish coffee. 如果你去土耳其的话,试一下土耳其咖啡。 It’s really dark and strong. 颜色很深很浓。 Turkish coffee 土耳其咖啡 Turkish coffee is a method to brew coffee that's used in the Middle East and Southeastern European countries. 土耳其咖啡是一种冲泡咖啡的方法,多见于中东和欧洲东南部国家。 The process involves griding coffee into a fine powder and boiling it with water and often sugar in a special pot called cezve. 制作过程是将咖啡研磨成细粉,之后放在一种叫做cezve(意思是土耳其咖啡壶)的特殊壶中,用水将它煮开,通常还会加糖。 The coffee is boiled unfiltered, which gives the coffee a strong taste and a higher concentration of caffeine. 煮咖啡时未经过滤,这会让咖啡味道非常浓郁,并且咖啡因浓度更高。 The coffee is served in a cup with the coffee grinds. 通常咖啡和咖啡粉一起盛在杯子里。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语