Irish coffee 里竟然有酒?”馥芮白“的英文名这么简单~

Irish coffee 里竟然有酒?”馥芮白“的英文名这么简单~

2019-06-02    06'33''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 I’ve had it before. One cup perks you up. Have you ever tried Irish coffee? It’s like a coffee cocktail. Coffee, whiskey, and whipped cream. It’s a perfect way to start the evening. 我以前喝过。一杯就能让你精神振作。你试过爱尔兰咖啡吗?好像咖啡鸡尾酒。咖啡,威士忌和奶油。是一个开启夜晚的完美方式。 Perk you up 让你精神振作 I’m falling asleep. I need some caffeine to perk me up. 我要睡着了,我需要点咖啡因来让自己精神振作。 I drank a large cup of coffee after lunch to perk me up. 午饭后我喝了一大杯咖啡来让自己精神振作。 Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡 This drink is a coffee cocktail made with black coffee, sugar, Irish whiskey, and topped with cream. 这种饮料是一种咖啡鸡尾酒,用黑咖啡、糖、爱尔兰威士忌制成,并淋上奶油。 It was invented at an airport in Ireland just after World War 2. 它是在第二次世界大战刚结束后在爱尔兰的一个机场里发明的。 The inventor wanted to serve Americans an Irish drink, but also noticed that they like to drink a lot of coffee. 发明它的人想为美国人提供一种爱尔兰饮料,但也注意到他们喜欢喝很多咖啡。 Thus the Irish coffee was born. 因此,爱尔兰咖啡诞生了。 I love Irish coffee, but it’s not really a morning drink. Lately, I’ve been making cold brew coffee. I just steep some coffee in cold water and keep it in the fridge overnight. 我很喜欢爱尔兰咖啡,但不太适合早上喝。我最近在做冷萃咖啡。就只是把咖啡放在冷水里,然后在冰箱里放一晚上。 Cold brew coffee 冷萃咖啡 Cold brew coffee is not iced coffee. 冷萃咖啡并不是冰咖啡。 It's a brewing method that steeps ground coffee in room temperature or cold water for 12 to 24 hours. 这种一种将咖啡粉在室温或冷水中浸泡12至24小时的冲泡方法。 The long process results in a strong, smooth, and full bodied coffee with less acidity. 长时间的浸泡过程让咖啡更加浓郁、顺滑和醇厚,并且酸度更低。 Yuanyang coffee 鸳鸯咖啡 This coffee-tea hybrid is a popular drink in Hong Kong. 这种咖啡和茶的混合饮料在香港很受欢迎。 Black coffee and black tea are blended together with sugar and cream. 它是将黑咖啡、红茶与糖和奶油混合在一起。 It can be served hot or cold. 可以做成冷饮或者热饮。 The drink is named after mandarin ducks, which is a symbol of conjugal love in Chinese culture. 这种饮料以鸳鸯命名,这是中国文化中夫妻之爱的象征。 Flat White 澳白,馥芮白(星巴克名称) This drink originates from either Australia or New Zealand, depending on who you ask. 这种饮品起源于澳大利亚或新西兰,取决于你询问谁。 It's similar to a latte. Both drinks are espresso-based and contain steam milk. 它和拿铁很相似。他们都是浓缩咖啡打底的饮品,并且都含有蒸牛奶。 But where the flat white differs is the microfoam, steamed milk with small, fine bubbles. 但馥芮白不同的是微奶泡,用蒸牛奶打成的小而细的奶泡。 A flat white has a thin layer of microfoam. The microfoam isn't piled high up, but flat. 馥芮白有一层薄薄的微奶泡。微泡沫不会堆得很高,而是很平。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语