

2019-06-15    04'45''

主播: 意趣英语

6257 42

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 A: Did you watch the series finale of Game of Thrones? 你看《权利的游戏》全剧大结局了吗? B: Yeah, what a slap in the face. It was so disappointing. 8 seasons for that? 看了。太侮辱观众智商了。太让人失望了。演了八季就这个结局? American TV show American TV series 美剧 Series finale 全剧大结局 Season finale 全季大结局 This was one of the worst series finales ever. 这是有史以来最烂的全剧大结局之一。 The series finale is next week. I wonder how they're gonna end it after 10 seasons. 下周就是大结局了。我在想在演了10季以后,他们会如何结束。 A slap in the face 一记耳光,公然受辱 I wasn't even mentioned in her speech. After all I did for her. It was a slap in the face. 在我为她做了所有的这些事以后,她的演讲中甚至都没有提到我。真是太侮辱人了。 The writers turned the smartest character into an idiot. What a slap in the face. 作家把最聪明的角色变成了一个傻子,真是太侮辱观众智商了。 … for that. … 就为了这个。 It's the worst game I ever played. I can't believe I paid $60 for that. 这是我玩过的最烂的游戏。我不敢相信我为这个花了60美金。 The museum only has one exhibit. We drove 2 hours for that? 博物馆就只有一件展品。我开了两个小时车就为了这个? 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语