

2019-06-18    04'59''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 And the character arcs were such a let down. I can’t believe what they did to Jamie Lannister and Jon Snow. 并且这些角色弧度太让人失望了。我都不敢相信他们对Jamie Lannister和Jon Snow做了什么。 Character arc 角色弧度 I think Theon got the most satisfying character arc. He redeems himself in the end. 我觉得Theon的角色弧度最令人满意。他在最后自我救赎了。 His character arc was ruined by making him go back to his ex. 让他回到他前任那里毁掉了他的角色弧度。 Let down 失望 I was so let down by the Night King. He was supposed to be the biggest threat to the world. 我对夜王很失望。他本应该是世界上最大的威胁。 I finally tried a Michelin star restaurant this weekend, but it was a let down. It wasn't that good. 我终于在这周末试了一家米其林餐厅,但我有点失望。并没有很好吃。 I’m the most upset at how useless they made Tyrion. He was my favorite character. 我最难过的是他们让Tyrion变得这么没用。他是我最喜欢的一个角色。 The ending isn’t satisfying. I feel that they screwed the fans over. They just wanted to get it over with. 这个结局让人不太满意。我觉得他们让粉丝们太失望了。他们只想快点结束。 I’m the most upset at… 让我最生气的是… I'm the most upset at Ned's death. He was my favorite character. Ned的死是让我最生气的。他是我最喜欢的一个角色。 I'm the most upset at the writers. I still think the actors did a great job. 我最生气的是那些作家。我仍然认为演员们演得很好。 Get it over with 赶紧把事情做完,做完了事 I'm not that interested in the last episode. I'm just gonna watch it to get it over with. 我对最后一集不是那么感兴趣。我就想看完了事。 I hate shots. Just hurry up and get it over with, doctor. 我讨厌打针。医生,赶紧打完结束。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语