

2019-06-28    03'56''

主播: 意趣英语

8548 56

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 Break up with someone 跟某人分手 break up with her over the phone. I broke up with my boyfriend. 我跟我男朋友分手了。 Break up with… over… 通过某种方式跟某人分手 He broke up with her over a text. 他发短信跟她分手的。 Get back together 和好如初 Why don’t you tell her that we got back together. Leo and I got back together. Leo跟我和好了。 Those two got back together the fifth time. 那两个人第五次和好了。 The love of one’s life 某人的一生挚爱 The love of his life? That Phoebe? He is the love of my life. 他是我一生挚爱。 Propose to someone 向某人求婚 …and proposing to me. I am going to propose to my girlfriend. 我打算向我女朋友求婚。 Cheat on someone 出轨,对某人不忠 But he cheated on you a lot this weekend. She cheated on her husband. 她对她老公不忠。 The magazine claims that almost half of Britain’s women cheat on their partners. 那个杂志称几乎一半的英国女人都对自己的另一半不忠。 Have feelings for someone 对某人有感觉,喜欢某人 …and part of the reason was she had feelings for me. He has feelings for you. 他喜欢你。 Ask someone out 约某人出去 You know I’ve wanted to ask Charlie out since the day I met her. I want to ask Daniel out. 我想约Daniel出去。 See someone 跟某人交往 I started seeing someone. I’m seeing Leo. 我在跟Leo交往。 I’m seeing someone. 我有交往的对象了。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语