Maisy goes shopping

Maisy goes shopping

2016-01-10    03'47''

主播: 用声音记录自己

1594 13

欢迎添加微信Tammy11030601 如果需要购买绘本,请复制链接 Maisy is visiting Charley today. Hello, Charley. Hello, Maisy. It's nearly lunchtime, but Charley's fridge is empty. It's time to go shopping! Maisy chooses some apples and bananas. Mmm, they look delicious, Maisy. Charley gets some juice. What else does he need? Bread, tomatoes, cheese and yogurt--there, that's everything. Now it's time to pay at the checkout. Look at all that shopping! It's lucky you brought your trailer, Maisy. Maisy and Charley unpack the bags. Then at last it's time to sit down and have some lunch. Hooray!