20241117175355Spiritual Fitness-Author Jackson-1Tim4:6-10

20241117175355Spiritual Fitness-Author Jackson-1Tim4:6-10

2024-11-17    06'37''

主播: Pengju4Him

205 1

INSIGHTWhen Paul savs to Timothy. "If voi point these things out... you u good minister of Christ lesus" ( Timothy 4:6), what "things" is he referring to. The apostle opened hi letter by saying, "Command certain people not to teach false doctrines1.5. Now ne recurns to that uneme"Some will abandon the falth andfollow deceiving spirits and thingslaugnt oy demons 4.. what are une"things taught oy demons. Pauelaborates: "They torbid people marry and order them to abstain from certain foods" (v. 3). Several yearsearlier. Paul had issued a similawarning when he asked the bellevers in Colossae, "Why, as though you stilbelonged to the worla, ao you suomito Its rules: Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!' These rules.dre based on merely numancommanas and reachinescolossian2:20-22. Beware of false religioiinfringing on genuine faithlim GustatsonSHARE IMAGETrain yourself to be godly.(1Tim4:7)