『阅3』6:The long and dangerous journey

『阅3』6:The long and dangerous journey

2020-04-08    05'07''

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『阅3』6:The long and dangerous journey 觉得好就点赞关注评论吧! 大家可能会觉得这个故事感觉不太真实,其实作者用了夸张的手法写的这篇文章,下面给大家详细解释一下。Almost as soon as the Dylon had left his home he found a road that took him into a big woods这一句里The big woods,其实就是他家旁边的小树林。“Here come and giant now!” said Dylon to himself.“I hope he isn't A mean one.”这一句里说的giant其实是一个邮递员,因为这个邮递员就在他们家旁边工作,所以这个邮递员认识他。Then he came upon a terrible looking wolf standing right in the road.这一句里面的terrible looking wolf其实是一只小狗。“Oh my!” said Dylon.“ now there is a big tiger!I can't tame A big tiger!”这一句里的big tiger其实是一只小猫。Soon he came to a very big pond.这一句里面的very big pond其实是下雨过后的一个小水塘(路面不平,有一块凹下去的地方,因为重力影响,在水干之前,水就会流这里面来。)Dylon said to a big eagle in a tree.这里面的big eagle其实是一只乌鸦。After that dylon had to climb a mountain so high that his head just missed the clouds.这一句里面的mountain其实是一个小土坡。Then he had to walk for many miles beside the water in the jungle。这一句里面的water实是树林里面的一条很短的小河。There were lots of rocks and hungry animals in the jungle waters.这一句里面的hungry animals其实是一些比较饿的小鱼。At the end of the jungle,water he saw A lot of elephants taking sunbatths这一句里面的elephant其实是五只小兔子。But ahead of dylon was hot hot desert were people couldn't stay for long这一句里的desert其实是操场旁边的那种小沙坑(给小朋友玩沙子用的,基本每个操场都有。)He knew it had really come to an end when he saw the home of the Wizard.这句里面的the home of the Wizard其实是一个小商店和里面的工作人员。He pulled out ten little magic charms and put them into the wizard's hand。这一句里面的little magic charms其实是钱。But he gave dylon a very wonderful,verymagic something,这一句里面的very wonderful,very magic something其实是冰激凌,在最后一句也提到过。(“So am I” sad Dylon as he ate the last bit of ice cream)