words and their stories 110

words and their stories 110

2017-03-19    16'46''

主播: 歌菲扬公益语言与文化

23 3

nose out of joint 鼻子拧了 to be led by the nose 让人牵着鼻子走 a nose for news 善于嗅出新闻的鼻子 a nose for trouble 鼻子善于嗅出问题 to cut off your nose to spite your face 割下鼻子来伤害脸 to keep one's nose to the grindstone 使别人的鼻尖紧贴着磨石 on the nose 正在鼻子上 to take a nosedive 鼻子向下俯冲 to snap one's nose off 一口咬掉人的鼻子 under your very nose 就在你的鼻尖下 to count noses 数鼻子