Happy Enligh2.14(情人节特刊)

Happy Enligh2.14(情人节特刊)

2016-02-14    16'21''

主播: 晟嘉FM___HappyEnglish

907 26

Part 1 The Origin of the Valentine’s Day (A Video Clip from Valentine’s Day) Miss Fitzpatrick: … And while you are doing that quietly, a little history about Valentine’s Day Franklin: Valentine’s Day was a massacre in Chicago where they shot everybody, and put a curse on the Chicago Cubs. Miss Fitzpatrick: Thank you for sharing, Franklin, but this is a different Valentine’s Day. (to another girl: Lose the hat). Okay, in ancient Rome, Emperor Claudius II, who was also known as Claudius the Cruel. Claudius the Cruel banned all marriages, because he wanted his soldiers to concentrate on war. But there was a priest who was known as Valentine who secretly married everyone anyway because he believed in love. Claudius found out about the marriages, and he threw Valentine in jail (to one naughty girl: Girls, I’m watching you. Shhh, Thank you.) Anyway, on February, 14th, Valentine wrote a note to his beloved and he signed it: “Farewell, from your Valentine.” Let’s see. Are there any questions? Franklin, I can’t wait to hear this. Go ahead. Franklin: Miss Fitzpatrick, are you in love with anyone? Everyone: Hahahaha… 分享你的情人节故事在留言里,也可以关注“晟嘉中考”的微信公众号,每天都有实用、新鲜的学习资料~~