【TED】How better tech could protect us from distraction

【TED】How better tech could protect us from distraction

2016-11-21    15'07''

主播: 时晴天时雨天

12550 373

Tristan Harris: How better tech could protect us from distraction Keypoints 更多英语干货分享~~~ 微信公众号:Ereadingme 英法西学习笔记 /q群新开了新概念英语朗读活动,欢迎加入。q群 英语-热点-朗读 433924484/ 希望大家多多支持,love you all【heart】 10:19 Can you imagine how inspiring it would be to come to work every day and measure your success in the actual net new contribution of hours in people's lives that are positive, that would have never existed if you didn't do what you were about to do at work today? Can you imagine a whole world that worked this way? 10:42 Can you imagine a social network that -- let's say you care about cooking, and it measured its success in terms of cooking nights organized and the cooking articles that you were glad you read, and subtracted from that the articles you weren't glad you read or the time you spent scrolling that you didn't like? Imagine a professional social network that, instead of measuring its success in terms of connections created or messages sent, instead measured its success in terms of the job offers that people got that they were excited to get. And subtracted the amount of time people spent on the website. Or imagine dating services, like maybe Tinder or something, where instead of measuring the number of swipes left and right people did, which is how they measure success today, instead measured the deep, romantic, fulfilling connections people created. Whatever that was for them, by the way.