

2020-04-14    05'07''

主播: 时晴天时雨天

1410 13

If wishes were horses There's a lot of things that i'm silently hoping, and praying and wishing for and i tend to think of them as "i wish......" sentences. but i'm not saying them out loud. because as they say, if wishes were horses even beggars would ride. But i'm going to list some of the things that i'm "wishing" for. even if it ends up hurting me worse later if they never happen lol or if they just don't go the way that i'm hoping they do. I wish that More of this year is positive rather than negative I wish that we have some beautiful days ahead of us. I wish i didn't feel so scared and so gunshy I wish i could see my friends more. I wish that the days wouldn't pass so quickly and then again i wish that they would. I wish that i had a vehicle that could carry more than two people. I wish that peace would reign in my surroundings. I wish that i could Sing a lot better than i can lol I wish that i could write a lot better than i can. I wish that i could travel this year. I wish i had a better computer. i wish i was born in a different time. I wish we busted out into song in real life like people do in musicals. I wish i had some new boots. i wish i could sleep better. I wish happiness and joy for the people i love. I wish enlightenment and forgiveness for them and myself. I wish Teleportation was real. I wish i had a super successful YouTube Channel. I wish my Grandparents were alive. I wish my Niece would believe in herself and that she deserves so much better than what she'll settle for. I wish we all could learn that lesson.