

2017-11-12    03'46''

主播: 健康快乐生活

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大家好!这里是荔枝FM1667504,我是健康快乐生活! 今天给大家带来的是一篇职场美文: 《生活是你自己的选择》 When it comes to being yourself, there can be a lot of pressure from the outside world as it tries to influence who you are. Living in a society that is constantly developing, it's important for you to always be yourself from the inside out. 在你想要坚持做自己的时候,外部世界中可能会有很多压力,试图对你造成影响。生活在这样一个持续发展的社会中,由内而外发自内心的真正做自己,这一点很重要。 When you deeply know yourself and the boundaries that you have set, you are more likely to experience a fulfilling and rewarding life. Without knowing yourself and establishing those boundaries, you can easily be pushed around and end up on a dirt path. 当你深刻理解了自己和你设定的那些界限,你就更有可能经历有意义很值得的生活。如果不了解自己,不去设定这些界限,你就很容易任人摆布,最后的结局可能是在一条泥泞的小路上徘徊。 You have the option of taking the path that is broad or taking the path that is narrow. You can either conform to what life wants you to be, or have the courage to remain true to yourself throughout the years. 选择宽阔的大路还是狭窄的小道,这是你的选择。是遵循生活想要你变成的样子,还是鼓起勇气坚持多年真我,这也是你自己的选择。 When you stay true to who you are, you are more likely to know the goals you want to accomplish and how to go about accomplishing them. You are able to stay focused and know which direction to take in order for you to accomplish your goals. 当你保持真我,你更有可能知道自己想要完成的目标和如何完成他们。你会保持专注,也知道为了实现目标,你需要朝着什么方向努力。 No matter what you experience in life, the only person that will always remain constant is you. 不管你在生活中经历了什么,一直保持不变的那个人就是你自己。