

2017-11-18    05'00''

主播: 健康快乐生活

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大家好!这里是荔枝FM1667504,我是健康快乐生活! 今天给大家带来的是一篇职场系列美文:《每一天都是全新的开始》 It does not have to be January 1st to give yourself a chance to make the most out of your day – and your life. Every day is a new day and a fresh start to learn, grow, develop your strengths, heal yourself from past regrets or hurts, and move forward older and wiser. Every day gives you a chance to reinvent yourself, to fine-tune who you are, and build on lessons of what you have learned. It is never too late to change things that are not working in your life and switch gears, instead of thinking in the same old ways, hoping for a different outcome. 不一定非得要在1月1日才有机会最大限度地利用你的每一天。其实每一天都是一个全新的开始,让我们去学习、成长、发展自己的能力,让自己从过去的悔恨和伤痛中痊愈,变得更加睿智。每一天,我们都有机会根据以前所学的知识来重新调整自己。今天试着去改变生活中那些无益的事情,永远都不会太晚。改变思维,期待一个完全不同的结果。 Each day is a new beginning and a blank slate. How would you like to create your day? Think of it as a blank canvas – what would you like to paint on it. What can you create? If you wake up in a negative mindset, you are more likely to paint a dark picture throughout the day, and your canvas will not reflect hope, happiness and joy. 每一天都是一个全新的开始,就像一张白纸。你想怎样度过你的每一天?把它想象成一匹白色的布——你想在上面画上什么,你能实现什么?如果你消极地醒来,很大可能就会让这一整天都蒙上深色的基调,而你的画布上也不会体现出希望、快乐和喜悦。 How about starting each new day with a moment to stop, breathe and think of a positive intention for the day.Think not just what you want to DO, but how you want to BE today? Each morning, write it down and reflect each evening on how you did! 不如这样:每天伊始,让自己停顿一下,深呼吸并想一下这一天中积极的目的。不仅要想想你想做什么,还要思考你想以什么样的状态度过今天?每天早上都把自己的目标写下来,每天晚上反思你所做的! With a focus on positive intentions, you feel more empowered and more like a "victor" than a "victim." 保持积极的心态,你会感到力量无穷,更像一个胜利者而不是一个受害者。 Using each day to recommit yourself to positive thinking and intention will help you create the life you want and that you deserve! 每一天都保持积极乐观的想法和目标,能让你过上想要并值得拥有的生活! 荆州楚凤超市http://wd.koudai.com/s/210668158物品丰富,物超所值!