

2017-12-01    06'32''

主播: 健康快乐生活

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大家好!这里是荔枝FM 1667504,我是健康快乐生活! 今天给大家带来一篇英文美文: 增重秘籍来啦!教你如何快速安全地增重,摆脱竹竿身材! As a nation with an obesity problem, it may be difficult to fathom how people struggle to gain weight. But being underweight can be just as frustrating and is just as much a health problem as being overweight. It is often a sign of a wider medical issue or eating disorder. 我们国家胖子遍地,似乎很难理解拼命减肥的人。然而体重过轻会让感到人沮丧,属于与超重一样严重的健康问题。体重不足通常是一种信号,表明我们身体出现了更加严重的问题或进食产生紊乱。 For this reason, it is best to consult a medical professional before embarking on a diet to gain weight. 因此,在调整饮食增重前最好先咨询专业医学人士。 Why am I underweight? 为什么我会体重过轻? Overactive thyroid glands, diabetes, coeliac disease and eating disorders are all contributory factors to being underweight. Lack of appetite can also contribute. It’s important to talk to your doctor about what the cause could be. 甲亢、糖尿病、乳糜泻以及进食紊乱都会导致体重过轻,吃饭没胃口也是原因之一。通过医生了解自身体重过轻的病因十分重要。 What are the health concerns associated with being underweight? 体重过轻会导致哪些健康问题? A BMI of 18.5 or under is considered underweight and can weaken your immune system, impact bone health and cause fatigue. 如果一个人的身体质量指数为18.5或该值以下,就会认定此人体重过轻,这会削弱免疫系统,影响骨骼健康,造成人体疲劳。 How can I change my diet to help me gain weight quickly? 如何改变饮食才能快速增重? Increasing your daily calorie intake is the simplest way to gain weight. But it’s important to pay close attention to the type of calories you’re increasing. 增加每日卡路里摄入的方法最为简单,但是密切关注增加摄入的卡路里类型也十分重要。 Empty calories in the form of snacks like crisps, biscuits and cake will negatively impact your health in other ways. Instead of gaining lean muscle mass, you’ll increase your body fat and that leads to a number of other health problems. 请戒掉炸薯片、饼干和蛋糕等会对健康产生负面影响的零食。如果不戒掉这些零食,不仅不会长肌肉,身体还会出现许多其他的健康问题。 Increase portion sizes 增加食物份量 Add nuts and seeds on top of soups and salads. Adding potatoes to meals is also an easy way to expand your meal. Drizzle olive oil over vegetables, salads and stews. 可在在沙拉和汤中加入坚果和胚芽,多吃土豆也是加餐的便捷方法,为蔬菜、沙拉和炖菜淋上些橄榄油的效果也不错。 Increase the frequency you’re eating 提高进食频率 Snack on dried fruit – it’s a concentrated source of calories. 要把干果当零食吃,因为干果是卡路里的集中来源。 Fill your diet with nutritious and calorific food 多吃富含营养和卡路里的食物 Nuts, seeds and naturally occurring fats are nutritionally rich and calorific. Make simple swaps such as using full cream milk instead of skimmed or semi-skimmed. Adding spoonfuls of cream to canned soups can also help. 坚果、胚芽和天然脂肪富含营养和热量。尝试一些简单的改变,比如用全脂牛奶代替脱脂牛奶或半脱脂牛奶,喝罐装汤时加一勺奶油也会有所帮助。 冬季衣物,鞋帽,围巾,手套特惠价! 超市http://wd.koudai.com/s/210668158 附加:美文欣赏《生活就是回声》 一对父子在山上散步。突然,儿子摔倒了,他疼得大叫:“啊啊啊啊 ……!” A son and his father are walking in the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams, "AAAhhhhhh!" 奇怪的是,他听到这个声音在山里回响,“啊啊啊啊……!” To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain, "AAAhhhhhh!" 小男孩感到很好奇,他对着大山喊:“你是谁?”对方反问道:“你是谁?”对方的无礼让小男孩很生气,他大声喊道:“懦夫!”对方也毫不示弱的回应:“懦夫!” Curious, he yells, "Who are you?" He receives the answer, "Who are you?" Angered at the response, he screams, "Coward!"and he receives the answer, "Coward!" 小男孩很惊奇,他不明白怎么会这样。父亲解释说:“人们把这个叫回声。但其实这就是生活。你所说或所做的每件事,它都会返还给你。生活其实很简单,它就是我们行为的折射。” The boy is amazed, but does not understand. Then the father explains, "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions." 如果你想要在这个世界上获得更多的爱,那么首先在你的心里要创造更多的爱。如果你想要在你的团队里面获得更多的权利,那么首先要提高你的能力。这种关系适用于我们生活的各个方面甚至每一件事。你对生活付出了什么,生活就会回报你什么。你的人生绝不是一个巧合,它是你自身的折射。 If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it. Your life is not a coincidence. It is a reflection of you.