

2018-01-15    06'16''

主播: 健康快乐生活

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背景音乐:《What Makes You Beauterful》 大家好!这里是荔枝FM 1667504,我是健康快乐生活! 今天给大家带来一首近期放得非常火的电视剧主题曲:《说散就散》! 抱一抱 Hug me. 就当作从没有在一起 Just pretend as if we haven't been together. 好不好 Shall we? 要解释都已经来不及 It's too late to explain anymore. 算了吧 Forget about it. 我付出过什么没关系 It doesn't matter how many efforts I have paid. 我忽略自己 I set myself aside, 就因为遇见你 just because I met you. 没办法 So helpless. 好可怕 So fearful. 那个我 That version of me 不像话 was too absurd. 一直奋不顾身 I have been dashing ahead dauntlessly. 是我太傻 It was too foolish of me. 说不上爱别说谎 Stop lying to each other. That can scarcely be seen as love. 就一点喜欢 Just a little crush. 说不上恨别纠缠 Stop pestering each other. That can scarcely be seen as hate. 别装作感叹 Don't pretend to sigh. 就当作我太麻烦 Just pretend I have been asking for trouble, 不停让自己受伤 hurting myself again and again. 我告诉我自己 I told myself, 感情就是这样 "That's just the way love is. 怎么一不小心太疯狂 How careless was it for me to get insane?" 抱一抱 Hug me. 再好好觉悟不能长久 Then be aware that our love doesn't last long. 好不好 Shall we? 有亏欠我们都别追究 Whatever we owe each other, set them aside. 算了吧 Forget about it. 我付出再多都不足够 It's far from enough no matter how many efforts I've paid. 我终于得救 Ultimately, I was saved. 我不想再献丑 I don't want to act like a clown anymore. 没办法 不好吗 Isn't that great if we can do nothing about it. 大家都 不留下 Just leave each other for good. 一直勉强相处 If we persist in staying together. 总会累垮 we will be worn out eventually. 说不上爱别说谎 Stop lying to each other. That can scarcely be seen as love. 就一点喜欢 Just a little crush. 说不上恨别纠缠 Stop pestering each other. That can scarcely be seen as hate. 别装作感叹 Don't pretend to sigh. 就当作我太麻烦 Just pretend I have been asking for trouble, 不停让自己受伤 hurting myself again and again. 我告诉我自己 I told myself, 感情就是这样 "That's just the way love is. 怎么一不小心太疯狂 How careless was it for me to get insane?" 别后悔 Don't regret. 就算错过 Even if we've missed something. 在以后 From now on, 你少不免想起我 you might miss me once for a while. 还算不错 That can be a good ending. 当我不在你会不会难过 Will you grieve if I am not around? 你够不够我这样洒脱 Can you laugh it off like me? 说不上爱别说谎 Stop lying to each other. That can scarcely be seen as love. 就一点喜欢 Just a little crush. 说不上恨别纠缠 Stop pestering each other. That can scarcely be seen as hate. 别装作感叹 Don't pretend to sigh. 将一切都体谅 Sympathize everything. 将一切都原谅 Forgive everything. 我尝试找答案 I'm trying to look for the answer. 而答案很简单 But the answer is so simple. 简单得很遗憾 So simple, so pitiful. 因为成长 Thanks to our growth, 我们逼不得已要习惯 we are compelled to get accustomed to that pity. 因为成长 Thanks to our growth, 我们忽尔间说散就散 we broke up once we spoke of breaking up.