片尾曲:陈邪《秋分》 今天15时50分,秋分至,昼夜平分。 有关秋分的知识你了解多少?今天打算吃点什么度过秋分呢? 秋分的英文: the Autumnal Equinox On the Chinese lunar calendar, “the Autumnal Equinox” is the beginning of autumn and this day is just at the middle point between “Beginning of Autumn” to “Frost's Descent”. It arrives on September 22 to September 23 each year , when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 180 degrees. 在中国农历中,“秋分”意味着秋天的开始,也正好处于立秋和霜降的中间时间点。每年的秋分发生在9月22日-9月23日,当太阳到达黄经180的时候。 例句: The Autumnal Equinox is the best time for wheat-sowing. 秋分种麦最相宜。 equinoctial gales 春分[秋分]时的暴风雨 the autumnal [ vernal ] equinoctial point 秋分[春分]点 autumnal是什么意思: adj. 秋的,秋天的,秋季的 例:In its autumn tint of gold. 金黄的秋色。 It is bright and fresh in early autumn. 初秋的天气格外明朗清新。 Autumn is the best season for travelling. 秋天是最适合旅行的季节。 There is a breath of autumn in the air today. 今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。 Yes, autumn is bewitching! 哦! 好一派迷人的秋色啊! equinox是什么意思: n. 昼夜平分点,春分或秋分 equinox这个词来源于拉丁语,意思是“白天与夜晚等长”。 例:The autumnal equinox is the point in the opposite direction of the vernal equinox. 秋分是春分的相反方向。 The other point of intersection of equator and the ecliptic is called the Autumnal Equinox. 赤道和黄道的另一个相交点叫作秋分点。 The tropical year is the interval between two transits of the mean Sun through the mean equinox. 回归年是平均太阳两次通过平均春分点的时间间隔。 秋分习俗 不管你身边有没有这样的习俗,都来看看吧!涨知识~ 1.sacrifice for the moon 祭月节 最初的“祭月节”是定在秋分这天的,但这一天不一定有圆月,所以后来调整到了中秋那天。 2.stick the mouth of sparrow 粘雀(qiāo) 子嘴 People boil twenty to thirty Tang Yuan without filings, plug it with thin bamboo stick and put it along the field, hoping the sparrows won’t come to destroy the crops. 人们会煮二三十个没馅的汤圆,插在竹签上放在田边地头,寓意着麻雀不要来破坏庄稼。 3.making the eggs stand 竖鸡蛋 4.eating wild edible amaranth 吃野苋菜 秋分后吃啥? To benefiting the lungs, people can drink more water and eat food like sesame, nut, sticky rice, honey, pears and dairy food. 为了达到润肺养肺的目的,可以多喝水,吃一些像芝麻、坚果、糯米、蜂蜜、梨和奶制品等食物。 让我们告别夏天,一起迎接金黄的秋天! 备注:文章选自今日头条里的“南京翻译学府”!