

2020-01-19    03'15''

主播: 攸宁公子

1111 13

Sat back with the window down Eighty an hour and the radio loud 车速八十迈把广播调高音量 The same songs with the same old rhymes 还是那首歌那个调子 Tell me to shake it off and swing from the lights 唱着快离开这里离开这闪烁的灯光 But I can't help but drive away from all the mess u made 我忍无可忍想要逃离你留下的烂摊子 You sent this hurricane, now it won't go away 就像一场没有尽头的龙卷风 And I promise I'd be there, but you don't make it easy 我曾说我会在你左右 你却把这一切弄的太糟糕 Darling, please believe me 亲爱的你要相信我 Cause loving you, loving you is too hard 因为爱你让我觉得太累了 All I do, all I do is not enough 我做的再多你都觉得不够 Loving you, loving you 爱着你,爱着你 I cannot be loving you, loving you 我没有办法再继续爱着你 Loving you , loving you leaves me hurt 因为爱你让我觉得受伤 All I do, all I do is get burned 我做的再多都被付之一炬 Loving you, loving you 爱着你,爱着你 I cannot be loving you, loving you 我没有办法再继续爱着你了 Count stacks of the routine lies 互相翻着旧账细数彼此的谎言 Funny how easy you could see my blindside 原来你竟如此轻松看穿我的弱点 Still the same song with the same old beats 还是原来那首歌那个节奏 Sure, I could stay, but there's a place I'd rather