友谊的力量-海伦凯勒 The Power of Friendship

友谊的力量-海伦凯勒 The Power of Friendship

2016-11-03    19'28''

主播: 乔子Aci

258 11

red-letter days: 值得纪念的日子 brimful: 充盈的 impart: 给予,告知,透露,传授 inopportune: 不合时宜的,不凑巧的 exasperating: 激怒的 dumbly: 默默无言的 impertinence: 不合理 benediction: 祝福 genial: 友好的,热情的 hearth: 壁炉 odour: 气味 觉得很难的一句: Perhaps we never saw them before, and they may never cross out life's path again; but the influence of their calm, mellow natures is a libation(奠酒) poured upon our discontent, and we feel its healing touch, as the ocean feels the mountain stream fresh ending its brine(浓盐水). 可能我们不曾遇见,也可能一次相逢之后,后会无期,但是他们平和醇厚的性情却融解了我们心头的坚冰,我们感受着那治愈性的抚摸,像海洋感受到新鲜的山间小溪一样充盈。