

2016-10-10    04'21''

主播: Woosir 翻译官

102 5

Donald Trump says there's zero chance that he will quit the US presidential race after a recording emerged of him boasting about groping women. Senior Republicans have condemned the comments. His Republican vice presidential nominee governor Mike Pence has released a statement, saying he was offended by the words and the actions described by Donald Trump. He also says, "I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them". Nearly nine hundred people are now confirmed dead in Haiti as a result of Hurricane Matthew, which tore across the southwest of the country on Tuesday. Eh, remote coastal towns have revealed total destruction. In some areas , there are now reports of cholera outbreak. And police in the German state of Saxony have launched the search operation for a Syrian man suspected of planning a bomb attack. Those are the latest headlines on BBC World News.