This is BBC World News. I'm Geeta Guru-Murthy with the headlines.   Officials in France have begun an operation to clear the migrant camp in Calais known as the Jungle. Thousands of people living in the camp have been assessed before being taken in coaches to shelters across France.   India's Tata Group has replaced its chairman Cyrus Mistry. It replaced him with the man who came before him, Ratan Tata. The conglomerate owns more than  a hundred companies including the Jaguar and Land Rover brands, and Tetley Tea.   A BBC investigation has discovered Syrian refugee children working in clothing factories. Panaroma found child labor being used by suppliers for leading brands including ASOS and Marks & Spencer. Both firms say they do not tolerate child labor.   Iraqi special forces say they've gained ground in fighting with Islamic State militants east of Mosul after shelling IS-held positions. 译联公众号:zhongguoyilian 我的公众号:woo外语学习吧
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