

2016-11-04    02'37''

主播: Woosir 翻译官

53 4

  Central Italy has been hit by the most powerful earthquake for more than three decades. The 6.6-magnitude quake has destroyed many buildings but there are no reports so far of any deaths.   The European Union and Canada has signed a long-delayed trade deal. The agreement was signed in Brussels by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and top EU officials.   With just nine days to go before the US election, the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and her Republican rival Donald Trump are campaigning in key states amid indications the race's tightening.   And the UN special envoy for Syria says he is horrified by the scale of rocket and shell fire aimed at west Aleppo over the past 48 hours. It's believed children have been killed.    hor·ri·fied adjective BrE /ˈhɒrɪfaɪd/ ; NAmE /ˈhɔːrɪfaɪd/ , /ˈhɑːrɪfaɪd/ extremely shocked, disgusted or frightened SYNONYM appalled  He was horrified when he discovered the conditions in which they lived.  She gazed at him in horrified disbelief. scale noun BrE /skeɪl/ ; NAmE /skeɪl/ size 1  [singular, uncountable] the size or extent of something, especially when compared with something else
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