On Wednesday, the Azure Window a natural rock arch which jutted into the sea off Malta, has collapsed in a storm. 周三,马耳他海突出的自然岩石拱“蔚蓝之窗”在暴风雨中倒塌。 Malta Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said via Twitter that the loss of one of the main tourist attractions on the island of Gozo, was "heartbreaking." 马耳他总理约瑟夫·马斯喀特通过推特表示,戈佐岛主要旅游景点的损失是“令人心碎的”。 According to geologist Peter Gatt, the limestone pillar that had supported the arch must have given way after years of erosion by the sea. 据地质学家彼得·加特表示,支撑岩拱的石灰岩柱经过海水多年的侵蚀而倒塌。 The famous natural attraction served as a backdrop for the 1981 move "Clash of the Titans" as well as more recently on the hit TV-series Game of Thrones. 这个著名的自然景点是1981年电影《诸神之战》的一个背景,也是最近热播电视剧《权力的游戏》的取景。
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