感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~A day after a court officially removed ousted South Korean President Park Geun-hye from power, South Koreans took to the streets. 就在法院正式罢免韩国总统朴槿惠的后一天,韩国人民走上街头。 According to NBC news, protests by Geun-hye's opponents and supporters divided the capital's streets on Saturday. 据NBC新闻,周六在首都大街上朴槿惠的反对者和支持者发动抗议产生分歧。 The massive rallies show a nation deeply split over its future. 大规模的集会表明国家就自己的未来陷入深深的分裂。 The Constitutional court's decision Friday capped a stunning fall for the country's first female leader. 宪法法院周五的判决令该国第一位女领导人名誉扫地。 South Korea's political and security uncertainty places it in a precarious positon. 韩国政治和安全的不确定性将其摆在一个不安全的位置。 Currently, the country faces existential threats from North Korea, possible economic retaliation from China, and an uncertain relationship with the US. 目前,韩国面临的威胁来自朝鲜,中国可能的经济报复以及与美国的不确定性关系。
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