感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~The U.S. travel sector is bracing for a year in which a strong dollar and uncertainty over President Donald Trump's travel ban could deter visitors. 美国旅游业这一年来都得勉强支撑,因为强势的美元以及特朗普总统阴晴不定的旅游禁令会减少游客。 That's according to travel industry representatives, who made their remarks at the world's biggest tourism trade fair in Berlin. 这些话是旅游业代表们在柏林世界最大的旅游贸易展览会上说的。 According to Reuters, Trump signed a revised executive order banning citizens from six Muslim-majority nations from traveling to the United States. 据路透社报道,特朗普签订了修改版行政命令,禁止六个穆斯林国家的人民进入美国。 Those countries account for a tiny percentage of U.S. visitors, 这些国家的游客只占美国游客的一小部分, but there is growing concern that the order could hurt the image of the United States and scare other tourists and business travelers away. 但人们越来越担心该行政命令有损美国形象,并会让其他国家的游客和商业人员对美国敬而远之。 David Kong is chief executive of U.S.- based hotel group Best Western. 大卫·孔是美国最佳西方酒店集团(Best Western)的董事长。 On the sidelines of the ITB trade fair, he said, 在国际旅游贸易展览会期间,他说 "As leader of our country, the President needs to be aware that there is collateral damage." “作为国家领导人,总统应该意识到会有附带伤害。” The U.S. dollar has gained more than 5 percent against the euro over the past six months, 在过去的半年期间,美元兑欧已经增值超过5%, making it more expensive for travelers to visit the United States. 使游客到美国旅游的花销更大。
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