感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~According to the country officials a landslide killed at least 46 people at a waste dump outside Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Sunday. 据埃塞俄比亚官员报告,周日亚的斯亚贝巴外一个垃圾场发生滑坡,造成至少46人死亡。 Officials were still investigating how the landslide at the sprawling Koshe landfill occurred. 官员仍在调查Koshe填埋场滑坡发生的原因。 Negeri Lencho, the country's communications minister said, It's a sad story because the government has been trying to resettle the people residing in the area. 该国交通部长Negeri Lencho表示,这是一个悲剧,因为政府一直试图重新安置住在该地区的人们。 He added that security personnel are still searching for people who have been reported missing in the landslide, and that the government is working to resettle the families affected. 他补充道,安全人员仍在寻找那些在滑坡中失踪的人,政府正在安置受影响的家庭。
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