感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~A Russian Black Sea Fleet’s frigate The Admiral Grigorovich is to enter the Mediterranean later on Friday. 周五晚些时候,一艘俄罗斯黑海护卫队名为The Admiral Grigorovich的护卫舰进入地中海。 The ship will make a stop at the logistics base in Syria’s port of Tartus. 该护卫舰将在叙利亚塔尔图斯港口后勤基地停留。 The 4,000-ton Admiral Grigorovich is one of Russia’s most advanced frigates and is armed with cruise missiles. 这艘4,000吨的Admiral Grigorovich是俄罗斯最先进的护卫舰,并装备巡航导弹。 It participated in Russian missile strikes on rebel forces in Aleppo last November. 去年十一月,该护卫舰参加了俄罗斯对阿勒颇叛军的导弹袭击。 The Russian Vessle will be in the vicinity of two U.S. Navy destroyers that launched Syrian airstrikes last night. 俄罗斯的这艘护卫舰将靠近昨晚向叙利亚发动空袭的两艘美国海军驱逐舰。
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