双语原文——by方糖豆豆 On the Saturday night 本周六晚间新闻 DAMAGE CONTROL 损害控制 the president heads home from Europe to face report that his son-in-law that were a focus in the Russia investigation, including that he possibly discussed setting up secret channel to communicate with Russia. 总统从我国出发至欧洲,去直面关于他女婿变成了俄罗斯调查研究焦点的报道,包括他可能参与讨论了建立对俄交流的秘密渠道。 Travel CHHAOS 旅行中的混乱 The ripple effects here and around the world,after a computer failure forces British airways to the cancel all of its flights from London airport. Tens of thousands of people stranded. 本地以及世界各地的波纹效应,电脑故障后,迫使英国航空公司取消其从伦敦机场起飞的所有航班。数千万旅客滞留。 DEADLY TRAIN ATTACK 致命的火车袭击 Two passengers killed in Portland, Oregon, after trying to intervene when a man screams anti-muslim insults at two women. 两名乘客在试图干预一名男子对两名女子的反穆斯林侮辱后,被杀于波特兰俄勒冈州。 PATH TO SUCCESS 成功之路 An alternative to four years college, the new apprentice programs giving young works the skills they need for well-paying factory jobs. 四年制大学的另类选择,新的学徒计划为年轻的工作者们提供了高薪工厂工作所需的技能。 “Nightly News” begins now 晚间新闻现在开始
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