book 1-7 《My First Day as a Teacher》

book 1-7 《My First Day as a Teacher》

2020-10-07    02'11''

主播: 司马昫

873 5

My First Day as a Teacher Ms. Wood, our Grade 3 teacher, is a really good teacher. She cares about her students. That's why she was named"Teacher of the year" for our school district. Today,Ms .Wood told us a funny story about her first day as a teacher.She said."On my first day as a teacher, I was nervous. I was scared.I told myself I will never be able to do this!" "The morning I was to begin teaching, I arrived really early.My hands were shaking. My throat was dry.My stomach was filling with butterflies. I looked at the clock. The students would arrive in five minutes. I felt a wave of panic inside. "I was so frightened . I hid myself behind the desk. The students came in and looked for their teacher. I heard them wishpering, 'Where is she?Where is our new teacher, Ms Wood?' "Finally, I stood up from behind the desk. Everyone was surprised. I decided to be honest with my students. I took a deep breath, and told the kids how frightened I was. But I also told them that I wanted to be their best friend and best teacher, too. "They did not laugh at me. They understood my fear. One boy said.' It's okay, Ms. Wood. I get frightened too.' The students were all standing there, smiling at me. They made me feel so comfortable. My fair slowly disappeared. "I can make a joke about it now, But on my first day as a teacher, I was ready to run away. I'm very glad that I stayed and overcame my fair. "I am 'Teacher of the year' now. But on my first day as a teacher,my fear almost got tne best of me."