绘本之心001 - Hide- and- Seek

绘本之心001 - Hide- and- Seek

2016-05-27    04'56''

主播: 遇见英文

84 5

更多精彩内容,请关注微信公众平台---遇见英文 Hide - and - Seek 躲猫猫 Eleanor lost her teddy bear. 艾莉诺的泰迪熊不见了。 She thought he&`&d run away. 她以为它跑走了。 She tried to find him everywhere 她到处找呀找 And called, " Please come and play." 边找还边叫着:“ 快来一起玩呀。” She begged her mother, " Come and help." 她央求妈妈:“ 快来帮忙呀。” "Of course I will." Mom said. 妈妈说:“ 我当然会的。” They found him playing hide-and-seek Underneath her bed. 她们终于找到了,原来它正在床下玩躲猫猫呢。