Writing's On the Wall

Writing's On the Wall

2015-12-25    04'12''

主播: 大奎Mr.

1345 43

[Verse 1] I've been here before 我曾经爱过 But always hit the floor 但每次都无疾而终 I've spent a lifetime running 我用尽一生时间在追寻 And I always get away 每次爱情都无法将我禁锢 But with you I'm feeling something 但是你却有独特的魅力 That makes me want to stay 让我这次想要安定下来 I'm prepared for this 我已做好准备 I never shoot to miss 每次都弹无虚发 But I feel like a storm is coming 但我感觉一场风暴将要到来 If I'm gonna make it through the day 如果能够闯过这次的难关 Then there's no more use in running 那就再也没有必要继续逃离 This is something I gotta face 这次我必须勇敢面对
上一期: hello
下一期: 南山南